Wellington viewed from Botanic Gardens |
Most infants are not the best airplane passengers. Even as a "kid person" my heart still sinks a little when I am about to get on a long flight and see that there are heaps of infants and toddlers boarding with me. Thank goodness Mia isn't one of those babies that ruins flights. She did amazingly well on both of our flights to and from Wellington.
Mackay was dropped off at his grandparents on the North Shore right before Mia, Andrea, and I went to the airport Saturday morning. The flight only takes about an hour, but would be about 8 hours to make the 400 miles by car ( or 12 hrs by train). The weather was actually quite chilly - rain, a bit of hail, and
wind- when we arrived. Andrea had a work expo to do on Sunday so Mia and I hung out in the hotel staying warm and watch the All Blacks on one channel and the Warriors on the other!
Saturday I was able to take the morning to adventure as Andrea's parents drove down to spend some time with their granddaughter.
WWII War Memorial |
Taking wandering walks around a new city is seriously a fantastic way to "meet" the city- the architecture, people, food, weather, ect. so I grab a coffee (Wellingon takes coffee seriously) and some breaky and meandered up the hill to the botanic gardens and observatory. The gardens are beautiful and have tons of walking trails to explore the vegetation and see the city from above. Since I had already put in a few kilometers, I rode the famous Cable Cars down the hill and back to the CBD. Wellington is compact. I was able to do some window shopping down Lambton Quay and see the parliment buildings and return to the hotel all in under four hours.
The Beehive - Parliment |
After wrapping Mia up and popping her in the pram we walked over to the expo and then to Te Papa, the national museum. I was able to glance around levels one, two, and three before Mia totally lost the plot and I had to leave the museum with haste. We left again Monday morning and a return trip to see the rest of Te Papa and the rest of Wellington is already in the works.
Our routine is starting to get back to normal this week though we are all in need of another weekend to recover from last weekend, but we'll just have to wait a few more days.
Paula, you're becoming such a professional traveler. I look forward to our next trip together! You make it look so fun and easy! My hat's off to you ;)